About Us

How We Got Started

Ariadni is a young woman from Greek mythology. She helped the youth Theseus survive the test in the labyrinth and the encounter with the bloodthirsty Minotaur and find his way out of the labyrinth with the help of a spun red thread

Ursula Zednicek, Managing Director visited Lesvos for the first time in 2006 and “fell in love” with the island. She dealt intensively with the history, the customs, the nature and the many unique sights.

She is learning Greek as well as Greek dances. Over the years, she developed a deep bond with the country and its people and is familiar with the effects of the 2010 financial crisis, the 2015 refugee crisis and the 2020 corona crisis.

Wherever possible, she tried to support what ultimately led to the creation of the Ariadni organization.

Melanie Principaal & Jeroen Koster, co-founders lived on Lesvos for more than 10 years and, like the locals, were economically affected by the effects of the financial crisis and the refugee crisis.  Both children were born here.The family has been living in Holland since 2016, but they have never lost their bond and support „from afar“.

The founders met on Lesvos in 2008.

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