Lesvos Excursions

Immerse Yourself in Lesvos

Lesvos is Greece’s third largest island and fortunately has so far remained untouched by mass tourism.

This enables guests to experience traditional customs, original music and dance and culinary delights.

With interesting excursions, we work to break down mutual reservations.

Refugees see – finally – the beautiful sides of the island and the locals.

At the same time, the locals are happy about the interest of the «unwanted» guests.

Vacationers are also very welcome in these activities.

With interesting excursions, we work to break down mutual reservations.

The proximity to Asia Minor and Turkey can also be experienced in music, dance and food.

The mountainous island also has a lot to offer with varied landscape and breathtaking views.

11 million olive trees, extensive pine forests, a petrified forestvaried beaches and much more.

Feta and ouzo are important local products that can be found all over the world.

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